Battle Of Leningrad

Novgorod-Luga offensive operation (14.01.44-15.02.44)

Part of Leningrad-Novgorod operation. The purpose rout the main forces of German 18-th army and to release Novgorod and Luga cities. By two impacts on converging directions (from bridge-head on Volkhov river and on Novgorods) the Soviet 59-th army have surrounded German forces near Novgorod, destroyed them and 20.1 have released Novgorod. Later on the "Volkhov" front in interaction with forces of left wing of the "Leningrad" front route German "luga" group and to Febrary 12, released Luga city and went up to 150 kms on the west.

59-th army of "Volkhov" front came to Luga from the east, and 8-th army bypassed city from the southeast, part of forces providing a shock group of front from the Shimsk direction.

The intense fights were developed for the communications on the south and the east from Luga city. The enemy strengthened this direction at the expense of reserves and armies departing from under Leningrad. It was necessary to come on wood and bugs, frequently outside of roads. The tank and self-artillery forces have carried significant losses and could not render the essential help to infantry. All this negatively has effect on offensive rates. Only to outcome of February 12, 59-th Soviet army went to the Luga river.

8-th Soviet army rendered impact in Utorgosh direction, cut off the way of withdrawal German 18-th army. To keep a sole way for removal the "luga" grouping, German put counter-attack on Luga direction. By the large losses it was possible to surround Soviet 256-th and 372-nd rifle divisions and 5-th partisan brigade. Almost 15 days this forces kept occupied area, while the parts of 8-th and 59-th armies have not broken to them.

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